Thursday 29 January 2009

Erm, where did January go?

I know it's not quite over yet but I feel like I've missed it!

It is probably because January 09 has been an important date in our household for several months as it marked the grand occasion of my son starting full-time school.

There has been a lot of thought and discussion (mainly by my OH) about my possible return to the 'work place' during the sudden influx of hours that I would now have to watch daytime tv, twitter, Facebook oh and blog. I applied for several, even went to interviews, but as I blogged about here people didn't quite know what to do with my almost 4 years self-employed status.

If you follow me on Twitter and Facebook and look at this blog regularly than you will know that I haven't been spending my time there - and there hasn't been any daytime TV either. In fact, I have a theory, once those school gates are closed time moves triple fast and before you know it the clock's at 2.45pm again! Mum friends call me up and ask me how I'm coping now the house is so quiet and to check if I'm lonely - I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I'm not.

Thankfully my son is, just about, settled at school and, I don't want to jinx it, I've been lucky enough to have some regular work over the last couple of months (I did take Christmas day and Boxing Day off). I now have something else to worry about - it's half term in 2 weeks time!

Today I had an email from a colleague who said 'take a break (write a blog entry!)' - so here it is ... now must get back to my in box ...

1 comment:

ms_well.words said...

"In fact, I have a theory, once those school gates are closed time moves triple fast "

How true.
And what's with the weather following the school day schedule? It always seems to pour down at home time!