Sunday 15 March 2009

Technical Problems?

phew! How many weeks since I last wrote a post? Yes I've been busy but there have been 'technical problems'. Two years ago if you'd said that I'd be lost without my laptop I'd have laughed but that's exactly what has happened over the past few months.

The PC upstairs - in the almost smallest room in the house piled high with stuff that's not made it to the loft yet - is terribly slow due to the amount that is saved on it and the programmes it runs (plus it is 5 years old now - a lifetime in the world of computers).

I did have part ownership of a laptop whilst mine was on it's many travels back to the menders but there were several marital rows over which was more important - my need to finish an on-screen edit at 10pm in the evening or his need to play poker on facebook!

Finally my laptop was deemed to have gone wrong WITH THE SAME PROBLEM 3 times in less than 6 weeks. So, yes I could have a replacement or a voucher for a new laptop - which will arrive 2 weeks after they've finally taken the old one away.

We got excited - we could choose a new laptop! I got hints and tips from others and I made up my wishlist - wide screen (one you've tried it you'll never go back), large memory, usb ports, wireless, etc. etc. Except when the voucher came it was for a particular model number of Toshiba - sob! My OH visited the store and found that particular model isn't made anymore - result! But he then went ahead and chose a replacement without me! I can't moan though as he also managed to get a wireless printer!

Whilst researching my choices I was often told to get a Mac - what about this one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just the kind of idiot who would buy the Mac Wheel!

But I do love my MacBook.

Hope you have some laptop success this time.