Thursday 8 May 2008

SAHM or Freelance Editor?

Working from home often means that people don't understand that you are 'working'. You get telephone calls trying to sell you something (rather than buy your services), even worse your mum/sister/MIL/best friend thinks she can call for a 'chat' at any time. My OH also thinks nothing of expecting me to do the cleaning, washing, shopping, nipping to the post office to collect parcels, etc, etc. (okay he expected me to do that when I worked 9-5 too - he was bitterly disappointed back then as well).

Then of course there is trying to work when children are there - as clients believe that you are on the end of the phone, waiting for their call, at their convenience, when ever they decide they need to talk to you. My son's regular refrain is 'can I talk mummy?' repeated at the top of his voice as I move desperately around the house to avoid him AND concentrate on the call. Afterwards I always berate myself for not offering to call back. I was reassured on reading this however I don't think I'll be resorting to this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, I've done all those things, particularly the roaming around the house to dislodge noisy toddlers. I usually take the phone into the loo and lock the door.

Some days I get no work done at all.